.. _bpy.types.CameraActuator: *************** Camera Actuator *************** .. seealso:: See the Python reference of this logic brick in :class:`KX_CameraActuator`. The *Camera Actuator* makes the camera follow or track an object. .. figure:: /images/logic-actuators-types-camera-node.png :width: 271px Camera Actuator. Properties ========== Camera Object Name of the Game Object that the camera follows/tracks. Height Height the camera tries to stay above the Game Object's object center. Axis Axis in which the Camera follows (X or Y). Min Minimum distance for the camera to follow the Game Object. Max Maximum distance for the camera to follow the Game Object. Damping Strength of the constraint that drives the camera behind the target. The higher the parameter, the quicker the camera will adjust to be inside the constrained range (of min, max and height). Example =======