.. _bpy.types.RandomActuator: *************** Random Actuator *************** .. seealso:: See the Python reference of this logic brick in :class:`SCA_RandomActuator`. The *Random Actuator* creates a random value which can be stored in a property of the object. .. figure:: /images/logic-actuators-types-random-bool_constant.jpg Random Actuator. Properties ========== Seed Starting seed for random generator. Distribution ------------ Distributions from which to select the random value. The default entry of *Boolean Constant* gives either True or False, which is useful for test purposes. Each distribution has one common property called: *Property*. This can be either a float, integer, or a boolean depending on the distribution type. Float Neg. Exp. Values drop off exponentially with the specified half-life time. Half-Life Time Half-life time. Float normal Random numbers from a normal distribution. Mean Mean of normal distribution. SD Standard deviation of normal distribution. Float uniform Random values selected uniformly between a minimum (*Min*) and maximum (*Max*) values. Float constant Returns a constant value specified in the *Value* field. Int Poisson Random numbers from a `Poisson distribution `__. The mean of the equation is defined by the *Mean* value. Int uniform Random values selected uniformly between a minimum (*Min*) and maximum (*Max*) values. Int constant Returns a constant value specified by the *Value* field. Bool Bernoulli Returns a random distribution using the `Bernoulli distribution `__ with specified ratio of ``TRUE`` pulses. This ratio is calculated by the *Chance* value. Bool uniform A 50/50 chance of obtaining True/False. Bool constant Returns a constant value specified in the value field, must be either ``True`` or ``False``. Example =======