.. _bpy.types.ArmatureSensor: *************** Armature Sensor *************** .. seealso:: See the Python reference of this logic brick in :class:`KX_ArmatureSensor`. The *Armature Sensor* is used to detect changes in values of an IK solver. .. figure:: /images/logic-sensors-types-armature-node.png Armature Sensor. .. note:: The *Armature Sensor* only is available for armature objects. Properties ========== Bone Name The bone to check for changes in value. Constraint Name The bone constraint to check for changes in value. Test How the sensor checks for changes in the bone. State Changed Any changes will invoke the sensor. Lin error below/above TODO. Rot error below/above TODO. Value Some tests will take a value, this value is used in the comparison when detecting changes. Example =======