UPBGE itself is released under the GNU General Public License.
Except where otherwise noted, the content of the UPBGE Manual is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License or any later version. Excluded from the CC-BY-SA are also the used logos, trademarks, icons, source code and Python scripts.
This UPBGE manual contains exclusive information from UPBGE Documentation Team but it is also base on others manuals and articles whose authors are exposed below:
The Blender Manual by the Blender Documentation Team is licensed under a CC-BY-SA v4.0.
The "Game Development with Blender" book by the Mike Pan, Dalai Felinto and Other Authors is licensed under a CC-BY-SA v4.0.
The UPBGE Manual by the UPBGE Documentation Team is licensed under a CC-BY-SA v4.0.
It means that when contributing to the manual you do not hold exclusive copyright to your text. You are, of course, acknowledged and appreciated for your contribution. However, others can change and improve your text in order to keep the manual consistent and up to date.
If you want to use the UPBGE manual in other sites or other formats, please attribute the different authors and include hyperlinks (online) or URLs (in print) to the different manuals as pointed above out.