

RanGE is a light and powerfull game engine and its aim is to clean up and improve current Uchronia Project Blender Game Engine 0.2.5b (UPBGE) code, experiment with new features, and implement forgotten features that have not been merged with the UPBGE trunk.


Range have lots of new features, improvements and bugs fixed that UPBGE haven’t. Some features that Range supports are:

  • Realtime advanced physics powered by Bullet, including rigid bodies, soft bodies, obstacle simulation and path finding.

  • Fully integrated audio engine powered by OpenAL and SDL, supporting 3D sound and sound effects.

  • Easy and straightforward visual logic system.

  • Powerful Python language bindings, allowing support to even more libraries through the use of PyPI.

  • Development process entirely inside Blender, without needing to import/export assets.

  • Execution of game in Blender’s viewport (for fast previewing) or on an standalone executable.

  • Blender’s Linked Libraries feature, allowing to organize projects in multiple blend files.

  • OpenGL custom shaders for visual effects and post processing.

  • Fake or realtime reflections setting directly through the interface.


Development is being supported by the community, support the project on patreon.